Conduct and Professionalism


For many members, this is the first experience working in a team. Here are some suggestions about how to behave professionally.

  • Attend meetings on-time with preparation. Your time is precious, so is other’s.

  • Prepare before going to a meeting. It may take you only a few minutes thinking about what to say in a meeting and the meeting is much more efficient. If you do not think before the meeting, you waste everyone’s, including your own, time.

  • Bring a display converter with you, always. All displays on Purdue campus use HDMI. You save precious time and show respect to your teammates if you are ready to share.

  • Show up in social activities. You can learn a lot from your teammates when you talk to them outside laboratories.

  • Clean before you leave a room.

  • Upload your passport photo (no cartoon, no funny faces) to github, slack, trello.

  • Use only Purdue email and our approved collaboration services (GitHub, Slack, Trello; others TBD) for communciation. You must know that your email is the first layer of verfication of your identify. If you use any free email service, you immediately lose credibility.

Code of Conduct

We do not have a group-specific code of conduct per se but are believers in following best practices.

As our group is focused on academic research and software development, we derive inspiration from the open source community and our professional societies. The following should be read by all prospective team members.


Our research group includes members from diverse backgrounds and experiences. We follow the principles of the IEEE Special Technical Community in Broadening Participation ( to encourage inclusion of people from underrepresented groups.